Listening to Your Body
Most people on this planet have been programmed to believe that their body is a machine that breaks down and needs to be fixed, like a car…
Oh, What a Year!
You haven’t heard from me much this year … partly because of my own grief journey. Partly because of Hurricane Helene. And partly because I’ve been immersed in creating a book filled with the Angels’ wisdom. (Almost done!) As I look back over the year, it certainly would be easy to feel glad that it’s over. And yet …
Are We Affected By Moons and Planets?
We live on a planet where many people dismiss astrology as foolish, and where many (if not most) people are disconnected from Nature. So, it’s not surprising that so many people (like me!) are surprised to discover …
The Essence of It All
One of our beloved Angel Coaching clients was struggling a few weeks ago, so we sent him a text filled with Love and support. Recently, he mentioned that he re-reads this part of the text every time a wave of anxiety hits, and it helps a lot. So, the Angels are nudging me to share it here with you:
What Gets Measured
In business management circles, there are a couple sayings that are “up” for us right now: “What gets measured, matters.” And “what gets measured, gets managed'“ (a famous Peter Drucker quote from 1954).
In Service vs. Supportive
I was sending a message to a dear friend today and initially typed “is in service to,” but I immediately went back and changed it to “is supportive of.” When you consciously consider the two phrases, can you feel the difference?
Being Different
We each were created individually by the Divine, as individuated expressions of the Divine. And we each are unique in all the cosmos. So, of course, being different is “part of the deal.” And yet … the Angels and I realize that it’s not always easy or comfortable to be “different,” …
Being Proactive?
The other day, we were speaking our beloved clients about cycles and seasons, including how there’s a time for planting, a time for growth, a time for harvest and a time to rest and become fertile again. We were recommending holding this four seasons idea in mind, rather than thinking of financial ebbs and flows in terms of feast or famine cycles …
Benefactor and Largesse
The other night, the Angels were excitedly sharing new ways to embody abundance. They reminded me that each of us can be a “conduit through whom Divine resources flow.” And I was so excited when they said …
People We Enjoy
I was lying awake in the middle of the night, feeling some stress over whether I was working with the “right” vendor on a project. I liked this person, but he was young. And something he had said in our most recent conversation was niggling at me.
Can Something “Awful” Be Divine Guidance?
One of our beloved clients recently asked: “Is it possible that an awful situation is actually Divine Guidance telling us NOW is the time to take action?”
A Paradoxical Journey
The Angels and I are holding space for you to deeply feel the beauty of this magical paradox: On this journey, in this lifetime, there is nowhere for you to go … and anywhere for you to go.
Hoping or Hopeful?
The Angels shared something new the other day: There's a BIG difference between the way most people "hope" for something and the Divine frequency of Hope.
Not Knowing
I'm sensing a huge opportunity for all of us right now: to really allow ourselves to live in the Not Knowing.
Faith or Knowing?
Have you noticed that the Angels and I don't actually talk about “faith”? I hadn’t actually noticed … until one of our beloved clients shared a gorgeous realization: You don’t actually need “faith” when …
How’s Your Relationship with Money?
One of our beloved clients has been dancing with collective (and some personal) terrors around money and finances. The Angels had a brilliant suggestion which helped a lot, and they’re nudging me to share with you.
Self-Care as a Daily Self-Love Practice
For most of my life, the concept of self-care baffled me. I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. People would talk about the things they did for self-care, but those things didn’t sound particularly special or self-loving to me.
Our (Biggest?) Fears
Many of us are being faced right now with some of our biggest fears. I’ve been on quite a roller coaster ride for the last few days because I came face-to-face with a few of mine! And yesterday, I finally heard what the Angels were saying about this: