In Service vs. Supportive
I was sending a message to a dear friend today and initially typed “is in service to,” but I immediately went back and changed it to “is supportive of.” When you consciously consider the two phrases, can you feel the difference?
Can you feel how service has some wonkiness to it. It’s not a coincidence that it’s related to servitude. In fact, service is purposefully connected to subconscious slavery programming on this planet — programming that drives people to work harder and harder … feeling like they’re not doing enough … or not doing things well enough … or fast enough.
And, as a dear friend pointed out today, service is also related to the very yucky saying: “It serves you right.” Ew.
That’s why the Angels are nudging me, more and more, to use the word supportive in place of in service.
The Angels want us to feel, know, see and trust that they are 100% supportive. They Love and adore us. And they are always supporting us on our journeys.
They’re not bringing us lessons that are in service … or that serve us right (for whatever we may or may not have done).
Rather, the Angels are tuning into our choices, our experiences, our places on the path … and they are using all of that to support us in shedding the false (programming, belief systems, etc.). In other words: The Angels truly are Loving and supporting us every step of the way, as we release everything that can pull us out of our True Power.
I have to say: Because I’m a word nerd, I find it absolutely fascinating to see how much of the English language reflects the rampant slavery programming on this planet.
And I find it absolutely empowering when I notice this and choose to shift my language … not from a “trying to be politically correct” place, but from a new awareness that has enabled a shift in consciousness.
(with appreciation for the awesome “support” photo by Neil Thomas on Unsplash)