Being Proactive?
The other day, we were speaking our beloved clients about cycles and seasons, including how there’s a time for planting, a time for growth, a time for harvest and a time to rest and become fertile again. We were recommending holding this four seasons idea in mind, rather than thinking of financial ebbs and flows in terms of feast or famine cycles (which is far more terrifying!).
And then, one of our clients asked this awesome question: “What if you work with the Divine to create periods of rest and recuperation; would that proactive approach bring an easier flow within the cycle of ‘summer’ and ‘winter’ in regards to business and finances?”
Short answer: Yes!
We’re always in what I like to call a co-creative “dance with the Divine.” The idea is simple: We take a step (any action), and then we tune into our Divine guidance, then we take the Divinely guided next step (act from inspiration).
As we do this, the key is to follow that inspiration / guidance, even when it says something that our mind thinks is “wrong,” like take a nap, instead of “being productive” (something the mind has been programmed to say … a lot!).
Of course, there’s always a reason for our Divine guidance. In this case, we might be guided to take a nap because we’re going to receive Divine guidance in the form of a dream while we’re napping. Or we may wake up energized with new clarity around something we were pondering.
We also are being urged, more and more, to tune into our body. Does she want rest? Does she want to move around? Does she want to express and release a particular emotion, like anger or sadness? This, too, is Divine guidance.
To come back to the specific question about being proactive, one of the things the Angels are saying is: Notice how we feel after doing certain activities. After being with a group for a while, do we require some alone time? After doing something challenging (or being around someone challenging), does our body/mind/spirit require rest?
We absolutely can be proactive by scheduling that recuperation time for ourselves, rather than trying to push through … or giving ourselves a hard time for not being able to handle whatever was draining for us.
That “proactive approach” absolutely will bring greater harmony in our experiences. And the more we feel inner harmony, the easier it is to remember to tune in and receive our Divine guidance. And that changes everything, including work and finances.
How does this land for you? Do you resonate with being in a co-creative dance with the Divine? Any “yeah but’s”?
(with appreciation for the photo by Eric Rothermel on Unsplash)