Waiting Until We’ve Learned “Enough”

Older man playing violin

Even the greatest violinist can always get better. There’s no limit to the amount we can learn nor the level of mastery we can attain.

And yet, how many times do we wait until we feel like we’ve learned enough, making “enough” into an unachievable goal, a constantly moving destination that can never be reached?

Sometimes, we do this as a form of self-protection. If we’re never good enough to get noticed, we can’t get ___ (ridiculed, killed, famous, successful) for doing this work.

Sometimes, we do it from a space of self-judgment. We demand perfection from ourselves, often as a result of childhood programming.

Sometimes, we feel as if we need more credentials. More credibility. More external validation.

Whatever the reason, it’s time to stop holding ourselves back. It’s time to release the resistance and embrace our gifts—even as we become ever greater at using them. After all, even the greatest violinist continues to practice. And in practicing our gifts, we find our greatest joy. 

We don’t want first-year medical students performing surgery on us. But at some point, surgeons-in-training need to start doing surgeries. Writers need to write. Singers need to sing. Computer coders need to code.

We hone our skills by doing. We must give ourselves permission to be good enough. We must acknowledge our own readiness.

Sue Elliott

A few years ago, one of Sue Elliott’s coaching clients said, “I tell people you’re My Angel Coach,” and the name stuck! Angel Coaching is Sue’s own unique blend of life-and-business coaching, energy healing and delivering guidance from the Angels. Like all of us, Sue has been on a Divinely guided journey in this lifetime, gathering a unique combination of skills and experiences. For 30+ years, she was a magazine editor and writer. Sue specialized in creating brand-new magazines to be sold on newsstands nationwide, including automotive enthusiast magazines, chef-recipe food magazines, and a personal transformation magazine called Law of Attraction. She also has owned a boutique PR agency, been a spokesperson for the automotive aftermarket, ghost-written two books for actor/environmentalist Ed Begley, Jr., helped sell clients’ products into the major retailers in the United States, and served as Chief Growth Officer for an education technology startup. About 17 years ago, Sue began doing Angel Coaching, and her new book, My Angel Coach, is essentially “Sue in book form.” It contains the most potent tools, techniques and healings that she and the Angels have shared with their beloved clients ... tools that have helped people transform every aspect of their lives, as they step into their True Power.


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