My Angel Coach

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Can Something “Awful” Be Divine Guidance?

One of our beloved clients recently asked: “Is it possible that an awful situation is actually Divine Guidance telling us NOW is the time to take action?”

​It’s a fascinating question! And the short answer is yes.

The Angels and I want you to know that sometimes, you become slowly acclimated (or numbed) to a situation as it continues to get worse and worse. So, sometimes, they do “turn up the contrast” to get your attention or shake you out of that state so that you can take action.

For example, a former client was married to a man with narcissistic personality disorder. This man was emotionally abusive to her for many years. Then, finally, he was physically abusive. And THAT spurred her to take action and leave the marriage. This definitely fits the description of an “awful” situation. 

But was it Divine Guidance?

Well, the Angels and I wouldn’t exactly call it that. And yet … this situation certainly was orchestrated “for” her. It did indeed help her get “unstuck.” And it is an example of the Angels turning up the contrast to spur someone into action.

Other examples that we can easily connect with include people getting laid off from a job they’d grown to hate, who later share that it was “the best thing that ever happened to me.” Same goes for people who were stunned by a breakup.

The Angels and I want to add that as you become more accustomed to tuning into your Divine guidance each day (or, better yet, many times each day), you’re less likely to get into the sort of situation that requires dramatic contrast … or something that feels awful in the moment.

(with appreciation for the photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash)