What’s Wrong with Resilience?

Puffed up bird

Many years ago, I did a morning practice in which I spoke out loud to myself, describing what it was like to live each day as my best and highest self.

At one point, I decided to add a new “way of being” into this practice, and I began telling myself, “I am unflappable.” I probably said those words each day for three, maybe four days in a row.

On the third or fourth day, I went out for a quick lunch, as I did each day. I was driving on a road with a 40-mph speed limit, and when I was just a few blocks from my house, a car darted out of a side street right in front of me. I slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting the car. And then this person proceeded to drive in front of me at about 25 mph — far slower than anyone else on the road.

I’m sure I let out a few choice words as I shook my head, changed lanes and drove around this person.

The next day, I did my morning practice and, once again, proclaimed that I was unflappable.

That day, I went to lunch. And again, driving down that same stretch of road, a different car ran a stop sign, darted out of a side street, cut me off and proceeded to drive way below the speed limit.


Getting the Message

Clearly, this was not a coincidence. In fact, this had never happened to me before. So I did a quick scan of what was “up” in my life. And I discovered that only one thing had changed: I had added the word “unflappable” to my morning practice!

The Universe was very lovingly giving me an opportunity to experience being unflappable — every single day!

Now, you might guess that the Universe was trying to show me I was “flappable,” not “unflappable.” And that is true.

But there was even more to the message, and it was a lot like: Be careful what you wish for!

Yes, I could attract opportunities to be unflappable all the time. Or … I could choose a much more joyful journey.

Needless to say, I immediately stopped proclaiming my unflappability. Instead, I chose “ease and flow.”

A Lot Like “Unflappable”

The angels brought up this story while I was working with a client today. She and I were feeling into a new story that she could tell herself about her body. She suggested: “My body is healthy and resilient.”

And immediately, the angels pointed out that resilient is just like unflappable!

Yes, resilience is a very important skill. And … we absolutely DON’T want to attract zillions of opportunities to experience our bodies as resilient!

So, if you’re currently focused on becoming more resilient — or unflappable, or on being the “calm in the storm” or the “eye of the hurricane” — you just might want to tweak that story a bit. ;)

Sue Elliott

A few years ago, one of Sue Elliott’s coaching clients said, “I tell people you’re My Angel Coach,” and the name stuck! Angel Coaching is Sue’s own unique blend of life-and-business coaching, energy healing and delivering guidance from the Angels. Like all of us, Sue has been on a Divinely guided journey in this lifetime, gathering a unique combination of skills and experiences. For 30+ years, she was a magazine editor and writer. Sue specialized in creating brand-new magazines to be sold on newsstands nationwide, including automotive enthusiast magazines, chef-recipe food magazines, and a personal transformation magazine called Law of Attraction. She also has owned a boutique PR agency, been a spokesperson for the automotive aftermarket, ghost-written two books for actor/environmentalist Ed Begley, Jr., helped sell clients’ products into the major retailers in the United States, and served as Chief Growth Officer for an education technology startup. About 17 years ago, Sue began doing Angel Coaching, and her new book, My Angel Coach, is essentially “Sue in book form.” It contains the most potent tools, techniques and healings that she and the Angels have shared with their beloved clients ... tools that have helped people transform every aspect of their lives, as they step into their True Power.


Shifting the Inner Story


Sensitive Is the New Strong