The Great Cosmic Broom
My mind was really busy last night, keeping me up for hours. It was bringing up old wounds for healing. Showing me what’s “wrong” in my life. Revealing stuck energy to be processed. Finding scared, lost parts of myself to be loved back into wholeness.
I did my best to do the work on this stuff. And I could feel little shifts being made. But the work wasn’t having its usual effects.
Finally, I recognized that my mind can bring me an endless parade of self-doubts, worries and self-criticism. Not to mention problems to be solved and wounds to be healed.
Since I do this work “as proxy” for the collective, there’s an almost limitless amount of “stuff” that I can work on.
Applying the Brain-As-Antenna
But then, after hours of lying awake in bed, I was given a magnificent gift: I was shown how to apply what I had learned about my brain being an antenna.
I was told that I no longer need to analyze, organize and store all that “stuff” between my ears. And I don’t have to keep doing so much work to clear my channel.
Instead, I was shown the image of a broom.
Sweeping My Mind
The point wasn’t to “sweep things under the rug,” as in ignore them or pretend they didn’t matter.
Rather, I was instructed to sweep away this dust and clutter. It was like emptying the waste bin of my mind!
I literally pictured myself using this broom, sweeping “debris” out of me and into the ethers. I knew that if I ever needed to access any of this information again, it would be “out there” in the cosmos where I could reach it. All I’d have to do was use my brain as an antenna to tune back into it.
A Miraculous Gift
After sweeping for what felt like mere seconds, my mind quieted completely. Before it felt like I had done any work, I fell deeply asleep and stayed sound asleep for several hours.
I cannot begin to express my deep appreciation for this gift of the broom practice. It was effortless and so very potent.
I HIGHLY recommend using The Great Cosmic Broom the next time your mind decides to shift into overdrive, especially if it’s keeping you up in the middle of the night. It’s like a miracle cure!