My Angel Coach

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Listening to Your Body

Most people on this planet have been programmed to believe that their body is a machine that breaks down and needs to be fixed, like a car.

The Angels and I want you to know: This mechanical view of the body is not true, and it’s not helpful.

Your body is not a “thing.” It is an expression of the Divine in physical form. And it’s unique … in all the cosmos. There is no other body exactly like yours. That’s one reason why a “miracle cure” … or a “perfect diet” … may work for some bodies, but not for others.

But even beyond all that, your body is SO helpful in navigating reality. Your body actually gives you the most accurate information about what’s going on, both inside you and around you. Your body will let you know if someone … or something … or a thought you were thinking … feels “off” or delicious.

Your mind sees the world through filters, including limiting beliefs and subconscious programming.

In dramatic contrast, your body is always bringing you the truth of the moment. That’s why much of your Divine guidance comes through your physical body.

The Angels and I hope we’ve convinced you that it could be super helpful to begin noticing and honoring messages from your body.


(with appreciation for the photo by Lucrezia Carnelos on Unsplash)