Using Our Brain as an Antenna

I have long been aware that I perform best when I let go of my small self and its limited ideas. Instead, I open up to infinite possibilities and what’s been called “effortless knowing in the moment.”

Essentially, I become a receiver for Infinite wisdom and clarity.

Because the Infinite can see the “whole picture,” the wisdom and clarity I receive in this way is almost always more potent and far-reaching than anything I could “think up” on my own.

The Brain as an Antenna

As it turns out, there’s a scientific explanation for this. Dr. Doug Matzke (an expert in quantum computing and the engineering aspects of metaphysics) and Dr. William Tiller (Stanford Professor Emeritus of Material Science, known for demonstrating that intention affects physical matter) recently co-authored a book called Deep Reality.

In watching one of the related videos the other day, I was particularly struck by Doug’s description of the brain as an antenna.

While Doug uses very technical language, here’s how I would explain it: The brain is an internal antenna that connects our localized, physical self to broader awareness. Because we each have this powerful, built-in antenna, each of us is able to access all the information in the cosmos. 

The Problem with the “Small” Mind

In discussing this idea the other night, new awarenesses began to flood in, connecting the dots of ideas that had been percolating within me for a while.

For example, I’ve been aiming to move out of my “small” mind: the limited mind within my head. This small mind sorts and categorizes everything based on the past, so it’s best suited to creating a future that’s either like the past or a reaction to the past (e.g., its opposite).

The small mind also filters out information in my environment that conflicts with what I believe. It literally prevents me from noticing all kinds of things going on right in front of my nose.

Clearly, this is not the most reliable source of input for living a fully present, conscious life.

So, rather than using the small mind, I’ve been aiming to use my entire body as a receiving instrument. The body is actually more reliable, because it gives us access to unfiltered multi-sensory awareness.

One Purpose of the Small Mind

However, the small mind clearly was created for a reason. I don’t believe that it’s a mistake. So I’ve been gently holding the question: What is the small mind for?

After watching Doug’s video, I received an answer: I suddenly became aware of “localized learning.”

That is, I became aware that some things are better learned within our physical bodies. Logically enough, most of these things have to do with physicality. After all, when we come into a physical body, we literally have to “learn how to work this thing.” We have to learn how to walk and talk and run. We have to learn how to drive a car and operate a computer. 

What I was shown is that this kind of learning is best done at the “local” level, within each individual mind. If we were to allow our larger Self (broader awareness) to manage these aspects of physical existence, we would look like marionettes, moving in a choppy, uncoordinated way.

That’s part of the reason we’re habit-making machines. We learn how to do something physical. Then we turn that activity into a habit so it can be done “in the background,” while we’re thinking about — or receiving guidance about — something else. Activities that require a lot of focused attention in the beginning, like driving a car, become almost as “unconscious” as breathing or keeping our heart beating.

Non-Local Information

In other words, physical activities are meant to be run locally, within our bodies. And they’re meant to be controlled by the small, local mind.

But what about everything else?

I was shown that in all other areas, we’re meant to use our brain as an antenna to tune into broader awareness. Operating in this way allows us to access all the information and wisdom in the cosmos. That information and wisdom is non-local.

We don’t need to store all this information and wisdom between our ears. It’s readily available to us, any time.

We can receive exactly what we need to know when we need to know it. This is “effortless knowing in the moment.”

The Educational System

Unfortunately, almost all of us got trained out of doing this when we were kids. In elementary school, we might still have been able to tap into effortless knowing, coming up with the answer to whatever question a teacher asked. 

But eventually, teachers insisted that we show the steps for how we got our answer.

With effortless knowing in the moment, the steps for how we got our answer were pretty simple:

  1. We held the question gently in our awareness.

  2. The answer showed up.

Unfortunately, teachers gave us a big red F when we said that! They insisted that we show steps using the information they had taught us.

This is one of the ways our educational system reduces the likelihood of quantum leaps forward. Instead, it trains us into a style of problem-solving that builds upon what we already know and can prove, limiting us to baby steps forward.

Timeless Information

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our educational system did just the opposite? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if teachers helped us get better at using our brain as an antenna? Would it be wonderful if they reminded us how to connect with all the wisdom and insights available in the cosmos?

It’s certainly possible. And it’s NOT a new idea.

For example, in his classic 1937 book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill talked about forming a mastermind group with people who had passed away. He would hold mental meetings with these deceased experts, asking them questions and receiving their guidance and wisdom.

Similarly, we can invite experts who’ve passed away to come play with us in the physical when we’re doing something that interests them. For instance, we might invite Beethoven or Mozart to play piano with (or even through) us.

We all have equal access to this infinite information. This is one reason why it’s common for two (or more) people in different parts of the world to make the same “discovery” almost simultaneously. “Multiple discovery” has become so widely accepted that often, two or three people will receive a Nobel prize together for having independently made the same discovery.

How to Use Our Brain as an Antenna

Using our brain as an antenna is surprisingly easy. After all, it’s not something we have to learn; it’s the way we were meant to operate.

  1. All we have to do is let go of trying to “figure something out” with our small, local mind.

  2. Instead, we hold a question gently in our awareness.

  3. Then we breathe and relax — or do something completely unrelated to our question, like playing with a pet, cooking dinner, sleeping, taking a shower, meditating or exercising.

  4. This gives our brain-antenna the space to tune in and receive.

Stepping out of our small mind — and using our brain as an antenna to access Infinite wisdom — feels like exactly what’s needed on the planet today, as we navigate an increasingly uncertain world.

So, I invite you to join me in making this shift. And I would love to hear about your experiences.

Sue Elliott

A few years ago, one of Sue Elliott’s coaching clients said, “I tell people you’re My Angel Coach,” and the name stuck! Angel Coaching is Sue’s own unique blend of life-and-business coaching, energy healing and delivering guidance from the Angels. Like all of us, Sue has been on a Divinely guided journey in this lifetime, gathering a unique combination of skills and experiences. For 30+ years, she was a magazine editor and writer. Sue specialized in creating brand-new magazines to be sold on newsstands nationwide, including automotive enthusiast magazines, chef-recipe food magazines, and a personal transformation magazine called Law of Attraction. She also has owned a boutique PR agency, been a spokesperson for the automotive aftermarket, ghost-written two books for actor/environmentalist Ed Begley, Jr., helped sell clients’ products into the major retailers in the United States, and served as Chief Growth Officer for an education technology startup. About 17 years ago, Sue began doing Angel Coaching, and her new book, My Angel Coach, is essentially “Sue in book form.” It contains the most potent tools, techniques and healings that she and the Angels have shared with their beloved clients ... tools that have helped people transform every aspect of their lives, as they step into their True Power.

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