My Angel Coach

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Are We Affected By Moons and Planets?

We live on a planet where many people dismiss astrology as foolish, and where many (if not most) people are disconnected from Nature. So, it’s not surprising that so many people (like me!) are surprised to discover that they are affected by moon cycles. 

Also, one of our beloved coaching clients asked an awesome question the other day about Mercury retrograde: Does it really affect her, or does her belief that it affects her cause it to create wonkiness in her life … even when she doesn’t know Mercury has gone into retrograde?

So, to bring this down to its essence, the question is: Are we affected by moons and planets?

The first part the Angels would like to share is that all of life is interconnected. The more we are present in the moment, the easier it is to feel, see and sense this.

Even more so, the Angels want to add that we can be gently aware of what is happening “out there” without having to be buffeted by it (or, at least, not so much).

The Angels say it’s like being mindful of the seasons: We don’t plant an annual in the middle of a snowy winter and expect it to thrive. Similarly, being mindful of the larger environment helps us get a sense of auspicious timing.

So, if you’re interested in astrology or cosmology or astronomy, play with that information and enjoy the connection to the greater environment.

And … if you’re not interested in the specifics of astrology (or anything else), the Angels and I want to emphasize that all we ever have to do is tune into our Divine guidance. Our guidance takes all of that into account for us!

(with appreciation for the photo by BoliviaInteligente on Unsplash)