2022: The Year of Expansion Into a New Reality

Earth from space courtesy of NASA

I was just checking in with the angels to see what 2022 will bring, and I am so excited to share what they’ve said. I rarely do what I would called “channeled” writing, but this came through exactly as it appears below … for you and for me, too:

For these last two years, many of you have been hunkered down. Even sequestered. You have been like a field lying fallow, gathering strength and fertility for what comes next.

2022 is the year you have been waiting for—not just for the last couple of years, but for millennia. This is the time you have come to Earth for, as lightworkers of all kinds. Some of you are focused on doing work that looks like “traditional lightwork,” such as energy healing, bodywork and soul-centered life coaching. 

Some of you do lightwork that involves caring for family, or teaching, or working within the world of business. If you connect with other people in some way, you are of service. And you are, by our definition, a lightworker.

Others of you are doing your lightwork by being out in Nature. You are literally shifting the collective consciousness on this planet by being in a place that inspires, grounds and delights you. Your powerful feelings of connection, appreciation, calm, serenity and peace help accelerate the shift to the new paradigm of life on Earth. 

What is this new paradigm? We have spoken of this many times, through many people. It is based on Love. It has been called living in Abundance Consciousness. 

You are in the midst of a timeline split on Earth right now. 

Some of humanity will continue on the old timeline, which will look much like what you see currently: greed, scarcity, fear and fear-mongering. Separation. The dysfunctional patriarchy. Oppression. Enslavement of much of humanity (seen and unseen).

Those of you who are reading this are on the new timeline. You are about to fully experience Abundance Consciousness. A world where the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine dance together to co-create a beautiful, harmonious reality. Where every being is appreciated and adored for their uniqueness, as a unique and perfectly created expression of the Divine.

The two timelines are currently superimposed. That’s one reason the world feels so wonky right now. You are living in both realities simultaneously, and it can be very disorienting.

It is as if you have one foot on each timeline. And that is why it is important for you to lean just a little bit more in the direction of Abundance Consciousness. Have just a little bit more trust and faith than fear. Just a little bit more hope and optimism than despair.

If you have just 51% of your “weight” on the foot that’s on the new timeline, that is enough. You do not have to be perfect. You do not have to feel like an ascended master every moment of every day. You simply have to be more present, more open, more appreciative.

You can make this shift hard and complicated for yourself.

Or you can let it be easy. 

We—and other Divine beings—are doing this work for you and with you. 

You ARE being acclimated to the new reality. You are shedding old programming. You are being healed of old traumas and woundedness. You are being raised up, vibrationally. 

This next phase of the journey is a process of letting go of whatever is not authentically you. It is NOT about learning a whole bunch of new things (though there are always new things to learn, if you enjoy learning!).

You are being reconnected with the truth of who you really are. You are being re-attuned to your natural resonant frequency. 

You each carry a different resonant frequency. That makes sense, of course, since you are each utterly unique. 

Therefore, this part of the journey is NOT about achieving any sort of sameness. There is no one perfect energy state. You do not have to achieve enlightenment of some kind, or resonate at a particular vibrational frequency.

You simply have to expand, more and more, into the truth of who you really are. Your magical, magnificent uniqueness—before you were programmed to “be more like your sister” or “be seen and not heard” or taught that “money doesn’t grow on trees.”

We, the angels, are reconnecting you to your pristine innocence. We are restoring you, bringing back the lost parts of yourself that you cut off to fit in, that were shaved off by others who wanted you to be different from the way the Divine made you.

This is a very gentle process. We always work from Love, with Love, to restore you to Love.

Love is the truth of who you are. It is what you are made of. And 2022 is the year that you will begin to expand more and more into seeing, being, perceiving and receiving this. 

You will feel lighter. Freer. More openhearted. More peaceful. More joyful. And more fertile.

Whatever you feel inspired to do, do it. Laugh, draw, paint, sing.

It does not matter if a single other soul sees your expressions. Express for the joy of expressing, and for the joy of self-seeing what you express. THIS is the experience of the Divine Feminine flowing through the unique lens of you.

This is what is being called for right now: Allow the Divine Feminine to express through you. To use you as a vessel. A musical instrument, if you will.

Her expression through you is unique on this planet, and indeed in all the cosmos. And you are so very loved and appreciated by All-That-Is. Simply by being, you are not merely “enough” (a strange human invention): You actually are a profound gift and a contribution. You expand and co-create reality.

So please allow us to help you, gently and with great Love. Please allow us to help you shed everything that is not authentically you. 

And please allow yourself to feel your way forward, as you expand into ever more beautiful, magical, authentic versions of you.

Together, we are leaving behind the old reality and co-creating a loving new Abundance-based reality on Earth in 2022.

Sue Elliott

A few years ago, one of Sue Elliott’s coaching clients said, “I tell people you’re My Angel Coach,” and the name stuck! Angel Coaching is Sue’s own unique blend of life-and-business coaching, energy healing and delivering guidance from the Angels. Like all of us, Sue has been on a Divinely guided journey in this lifetime, gathering a unique combination of skills and experiences. For 30+ years, she was a magazine editor and writer. Sue specialized in creating brand-new magazines to be sold on newsstands nationwide, including automotive enthusiast magazines, chef-recipe food magazines, and a personal transformation magazine called Law of Attraction. She also has owned a boutique PR agency, been a spokesperson for the automotive aftermarket, ghost-written two books for actor/environmentalist Ed Begley, Jr., helped sell clients’ products into the major retailers in the United States, and served as Chief Growth Officer for an education technology startup. About 17 years ago, Sue began doing Angel Coaching, and her new book, My Angel Coach, is essentially “Sue in book form.” It contains the most potent tools, techniques and healings that she and the Angels have shared with their beloved clients ... tools that have helped people transform every aspect of their lives, as they step into their True Power.


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